Rebecca on the Prairie

The Biocore Prairie that is.  So this is the first set from my shoot with Rebecca on August 22nd.  There are a LOT more sets from this shoot.  We stared shooting at around 7:30pm.  We planned to start an hour earlier, but someone was late.  She made up for it though because we took our… Continue reading Rebecca on the Prairie

Sydney Max on the Memorial Union Terrace

This is the second set with Sydney Max.  Again, these were shot on August 20th.  The weather this day was difficult from a photographic standpoint.  The temperature was good, but the sun kept moving in and out of the clouds.  In one frame the sky looks like it’s about to storm, in the next frame… Continue reading Sydney Max on the Memorial Union Terrace

Sydney Max at the Red Gym

So I’m starting something new with this post.  In the past I would wait until I was done editing all the photos from a shoot.  And while it was nice to know I had them all done, sometimes it would take a while.  I wouldn’t be able to post as often, and when I did… Continue reading Sydney Max at the Red Gym


So two weeks ago I was thinking about death a lot.  I don’t really know why.  I wasn’t thinking about my death, or any death really, just kind of death was in my head. It started with and episode of COPS.  I don’t remember what it was about but it got me thinking about handcuffs. … Continue reading Death