So a few things have happened since I wrote my last update on my experience at the Robert W. Kastenmeier Courthouse.
First, on December 4th I was interviewed live on the radio by Sly on Sly in the Morning 1670 WTDY-Madison. You can hear the segment here.
I’d like to thank Dylan the Executive Producer of Sly in the Morning. He converted the recording of my encounter with the guard into a WAV file and tweaked the volume so it’s easier to hear. You can find it here.
I’ve also received a follow up letter from Representative Baldwin’s office.
It seems that the GSA is not responsible for the security of federal courthouses, that task belongs to the Department of Homeland Security. So Ralph Conner, Acting Associate Administrator of the GSA has forwarded my letter to Phillip McNamara, Executive Secretary of DHS.
And lastly I received a copy of a letter sent by Senator Russ Feingold to Chani Wiggins, Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, who is also with the Department of Homeland Security.
I particularly like the Senators letter for phrases such as “street view photographs” and a request for a “response detailing any restrictions on the photographing of federal buildings”.
One interesting piece of trivia I found when researching the Department of Homeland Security was this organizational chart.
It appears that Mr. McNamara is only two steps away from the Secretary of Homeland Security, and Ms. Wiggins is only one step away. Since the Secretary of Homeland Security reports directly to the President I can’t go much higher.