I haven’t been doing a very good job of blogging. Here is one photo from each of my shoots in 2018. In March I photographed Abigail and her aerial hoop. She’s an amazing athlete. In April, India was next as part of my food series, covered in modified corn starch. Look at how it wrinkles… Continue reading 2018 in Review
Category: color
I saw the sun disappear today.
Originally posted on Facebook, August 21, 2017. I was in the Auxvasse Cemetery, in Auxvasse, Missouri. My experience today was quite literally colored by the clouds. As the eclipse approached so did a storm. The first 50 or even 75% of the eclipse I don’t feel that the amount of light really changed. If I… Continue reading I saw the sun disappear today.
Morgan in Coffee
This is my latest in my food series. Morgan is a Milwaukee model who I’ve worked with before. One of the best things about this shoot, other than the amazing images, was that my condo smelled like coffee for weeks afterward. One of the reasons I purchased my condo was because of the high… Continue reading Morgan in Coffee
So I took some headshots today. I think they turned out pretty well. A. B. C. … Continue reading Headshots
Rebecca on the Lake
Another set from a few years ago. In case you haven’t noticed this is Rebecca. This time we’re along the north shore of the Picnic Point Peninsula. This particular location is my favorite on the entire lake. I’ve also shot here with William.
Way back in 2009 I photographed Rebecca. I’ve shown other photos from this session but there were a few outfits that I didn’t get around to.
Emily in Cocoa
The second in my series on food. Emily is a Chicago model who was up in Madison last October. I am extremely pleased with how these turned out. Emily is an outstanding model and I would recommend her to anyone.
I’ve known Alicia for about five years. (You can see more of Alicia here) We’ve worked together a number of times and the photos always turn out amazing. So when she contacted me about doing some pinup type photos I was eager. One of the things we did is shown above. I have a lofted… Continue reading Alicia
Since the begining of the year I’ve been trying to do this series of photos with models covered with various foods. Flour, cocoa, sugar, and others. The problem was, I’d have tons of people interested, but after a few messages they’d disappear, stop responding. Or maybe some would respond, we’d actually set up a… Continue reading Elena
These are kind of old, well, January, of last year. Kriestienn came over one night, and we tried a few things.